Sunday, November 27, 2005


This is one of those movies...

One of those movies everyone tells me I HAVE to see it!

Kinda like Donnie Darko.

Now, granted I did like Donnie Darko, but I didn't think it was the Holy Grail of indie as some other people thought (sorry, W.)

This movie I didn't particularly care for. I could see what they were trying, and maybe they could have pulled it off with a bigger budget, but I felt this movie completely missed the mark.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I appreciate your dislike for Mr. Cronenberg's journey into the digital space between human instincts and technological advancement, I remain firm in my passion for all of his films. ExistenZ furthers it. The piece is very time sensitive, and perhaps past its immediate relevance by the time it was released. But, Sarah Polly and Jennifer Jason Leigh in the same core Canadian flick? Enough said.